
Read about Daniel’s story here…


Being in the right job can help to improve general wellbeing and support recovery from mental health difficulties.

Our WorkWell programme offers specialist support to help people with mental health needs find suitable employment.

WorkWell provides:

  • One-to-one support with job-search, including CV writing and interview skills
  • Mentoring and coaching support
  • Employment counselling to help people overcome mental health barriers to work
  • Employer liaison to discuss any support and adjustments needed
  • Ongoing in-work support to help retain employment
  • Employability training workshops

WorkWell is currently available for people living in Conwy and Denbighshire. In Denbighshire, we are delivering the service in partnership with Working Denbighshire’s Barod programme.

To speak to one of our team about how WorkWell can help you, call us on 01745 336442 or fill out an e-referral form.

Complete an e-referral form here



  • WorkWell can support people experiencing a range of mental health difficulties, including depression, anxiety and panic attacks
  • Evidence shows that being in employment can help to improve health, wellbeing and quality of life, and can play a crucial role in supporting recovery from mental health difficulties
  • You can self-refer to WorkWell or agree to be referred by agency that is supporting you
  • You don’t need to be receiving mental health support from the NHS to receive help from WorkWell
  • You will receive intensive and rapid support to help you apply for paid work which is based on your work preferences, skills and experience
  • Ongoing individualised support is provided for you and your employer for as long as it is needed – helping you keep your job at difficult times
  • The programme can help you access advice on benefits and on the impact of going back to work on your income

“After my first day in my new job, driving home I felt such joy – a feeling I had not felt in a long time. I am very grateful, thank you.”

“It has been a journey (and a half) and there were a lot of times I felt like giving up. Without support I do not think I would have improved as quickly as I have and may not have improved at all.”

“It’s making me feel better already and more motivated as the days go by. Just to have someone there to turn to has made a big difference to me already.”

Between 2019 and 2023, RCS provided intensive employment support for 680 people through the ICAN Work Service, in partnership with BCUHB and Adferiad.  36.4% of RCS ICAN Work clients secured paid work.  You can read about the service here.

We also provided employment counselling and coaching support for 50 people during 2022 in an innovative partnership with Conwy Council – read our impact report here.