10 random acts of kindness to yourself and others to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day 17th Feb and to practise at any time of year. Be the good and make kindness the norm. Ideas and imagery supplied by https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas

Be a good listener

Being fully present and truly connecting with what the other person is saying, helps them feel valued and understood

Pay a compliment

A sweet and simple way to boost someone’s spirits is by complimenting them… you feel good, they feel good, the kindness spreads

Find Out Something New About a colleague

When you work with someone, it can be easy to get caught in the motions of familiar conversation. Make an effort to learn something new about a colleague.

Focus on the positives

Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the things that are bringing us down and making life difficult. But, science shows that when we spend even a small amount of time focusing on the things for which we’re grateful, our lives are much better.

Ride Your Bike or Walk

Walking and biking are not only good for the environment, but good for your health too. Release those endorphins and feel good

Text Someone Good Morning or Good Night

Kick-start someone’s day and/or make sure it ends on the right note

Have a Judgment Free Day

Don’t try to make yourself feel better by putting someone else down. Remember you never know what is going on behind the scenes, so give the benefit of the doubt and choose kindness

Write a Positive Comment on a Website or Blog

Read a great article or blog post? Send a little love to the author.

Set Goals For Yourself

Whether its for today or the next five years, we all have goals we want to reach to keep motivated and feel good about our lives.

Gift an Inspirational Book

Have you ever read a book that changed the way you see the world? Give someone you care about the inspiration to see things differently.